Schedule Appointment
We require you to book an initial consultation to discuss your candidacy for ortho-keratology and/or myopia management.
Your suitability for myopia control and the best treatment options will be reviewed at the visit. Should you proceed to a myopia control treatment program, the initial consultation fee may be adjusted.
We recommend that your last comprehensive eye examination was completed less than one year ago to have the best accuracy in determining your candidacy. Any patients that have not completed an eye exam within the past year will require a comprehensive examination prior to the myopia control consultation.
Specs & Spines Optometry
#6-2398 Lake Shore Blvd West
Etobicoke, ON M8V1C3
416 251 4448
About Our Optometrist: Dr. Ivy Koh
Dr. Koh is a graduate of the University of Waterloo School of Optometry and honoured with awards in both clinical excellence and pediatric optometry.
Her clinical experience includes fitting patients at specialty contact lens and orthokeratology practices in Vancouver and Oakville since 2008.
Dr. Koh has a special interest in myopia management, due to personal struggles with correcting her near-sightedness while being active in sports in high school. As a parent, she also believes the developments in myopia management are an exciting way to empower families to take back control of their child’s vision based on sound clinical research.
She has attended the 2019 Global Council for Myopia Management conference in Toronto and completed certification in the Brien Holden Vision Institute Myopia Academy and Myopia Profile Academy to keep up to date on the newest clinical research on myopia.